Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Author: George O'Connor
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Date of Publication: 2005
Illustrator: George O'Connor
Genre Designation: Fiction
Lexile: Not Available



In this book a family is at the beach. There is a big brother and his friend, the little brother and the mom. The mom tells the big brother to keep an eye on the little brother. The older brother really does not want to watch him and they are mean to him. Along comes another boy on the beach and he is bigger than the older brother and his friend. The new boy on the beach in turn is not very nice to the older brother and his friend. Eventually the boys band together and out smart the new boy. 

Target Audience:

This book is written like a comic book with a super hero feel. I think it would be good for grades 2-5. The book can be hard to follow, you really need to rely on the pictures for meaning.


This book is classified as a book about bullying. It shows the hierarchy of bullying, but does not deliver a lesson. This book is meant more for entertainment purposes. I think this book falls short on teaching you an aspect of bullying. 

Reader Response Activity:

One of the things that happens in this book is the little brother tricks the new kid on the beach. The new kid on the beach takes a crab he caught and will not give it back. The last page of the book shows the crab with his pincher's open going after the kid whole stole the crab from the little brother. The kid is unaware the crab is behind him.  You could give the crab a superhero name and tell the students if there was one more page in this book what would the crab do to the new kid on the beach. It could be a creative alternate ending. 

Trouble Talk

Author: Trudy Ludwig
Publisher: Tricycle Press
Date of Publication: 2008
Illustrator: Mikela Prevost
Genre Designation: Fiction
Lexile: AD610L

Trouble Talk


This book is about a girl named Bailey and the way she treats her friends. Bailey is one of those girls who likes to be in the know when it comes to everyone's business. What Bailey does that hurts her friends is she spreads rumors and says hurtful things. A student named Maya stands up to Bailey when she tells one of the boys in their class that Hua likes him. Bailey in turn threatens Maya telling her she will be sorry for interfering. To get even Bailey spreads rumors about Maya' parents getting a divorce. Eventually Maya goes to the counselor and she helps her deal with the way Bailey is acting. Bailey realizes she has not been a very good friend and writes apology letters to the girls she hurt. Maya wants to forgive Bailey but knows that it will be awhile before she can be trusted.

Target Audience:

This book would be best suited for grades 2-5. The subject matter is something most students can relate to. Everyone has been exposed to a person in school or their personal lives that likes to know everything going on. It is always beneficial to give your students solutions to handling situations like those explained in this book. 


Like most books on bullying the main purpose is to educate. The students can take what they learned and apply it to their daily interactions with other students. It also raises awareness and shows students what behaviors are unacceptable and how to handle those situations.

Reader Response Activity:

I really think this author writes excellent books on bullying. She not only tells a story she gives resources and activities to help you start discussions. In each of her books she has a section called "questions for discussion." They are fantastic and touch on all types of bullying situations not just the ones presented in the book. You could have them choose one of the questions and write a self-reflection on what that statement means to them.

My Secret Bully

Author: Trudy Ludwig
Publisher: Tricycle Press
Date of Publication: 2004
Illustrator: Abigail Marble
Genre Designation: Fiction
Lexile: AD630L

My Secret Bully


This book is about Monica and her best friend Katie they have been friends since Kindergarten. The friendship started out strong and quickly became unhealthy. Katie started leaving Monica out and she felt Katie was replacing her. When they would hang out one on one Katie was fine, but the minute they got to school Katie would ignore her. Eventually Monica confronted Katie and it became evident that they were no longer friends. Monica was upset that she allowed herself to be treated that poorly for so long. Monica eventually moved on and was able to find new friends.

Target Audience:

The subject matter in this book is specialized for a certain type of bullying called "relational aggression." The book defines relational aggression as, "act of emotional bullying hidden among tightly knit networks of friends."It could be used for grades 2-5. While this type of bullying typically affects girls, boys have been known to experience it as well. 


The subject matter in this book it tough to talk about. It is a specialized type of bullying rarely talked about and hard to recognize. This book is used to educate and help raise awareness. The goal of a book like this is that the child reads it and spends some time thinking about circumstances where this could have occurred. 

Reader Response Activity:

The book has a section in the back called opportunity for discussion. I really think this should be read and discussed as a class. The implications of this type of bullying are serious and the scariest part is how hard it is to detect if it is not reported. I think I would start with each student completing the answers to the questions anonymously. The answers should be compile, shared and discussed. 


Author: Kevin Henkes
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Date of Publication: 1991
Illustrator: n/a
Genre Designation: Fiction
Lexile: 570L



In this book there is a little girl named Chrysanthemum. Her parents named her that and dote on her and tell her she is absolutely perfect. She grows up believing what her parents tell her until she goes to school. When she gets to school the other children tease her about her name and make her feel bad. This continues on for some time until she meets the music teacher Ms. Twinkle. They learn that Ms. Twinkle has an unique long name as well. The students then stop teasing Chrysanthemum. Eventually they become friends and wish they had unique names.

Target Audience:

This book is perfect or Pre K - 2 grade. The message is that of acceptance and fitting in. Chrysanthemum is new to school and the other students in her class are making her feel uncomfortable. It also could be a lesson on how to be a good friend.


This novel is entertaining, but also had a lesson. It is not bullying in the direct sense, but it deals with teasing and making a classmate uncomfortable. In school every child has been made of fun of at some point. This book highlights that through the use of simple language and illustrations. It could start conversations early in a students education experience and show them how not to treat a friend.

Reader Response Activity:

If the children are young and can not read I would print out their first name in block letters and let them decorate it. I would have them include things that make them special. For example, if they play soccer, draw a soccer ball in one of the letters or on the sheet. If the children are older and can read I would have then do an acrostic of their name and decorate it. When the project is complete I would use them as a bulletin board early in the school year. It would help to learn names and make a colorful addition to your classroom.

Nobody Knew What to Do A Story About Bullying

Author: Becky Ray McCain
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company
Date of Publication: 2001
Illustrator: Todd Leonardo
Genre: Designation: Fiction
Lexile: 690L

Nobody Knew What To Do A Story About Bullying


This is a great story about how kids can "fight back" against the bullies. In this story there is a child named Ray. Ray is bullied by a group of his classmates. The classmates see the bullying, but do not know what to do. They try to ignore it until they just can not anymore. They approach their teacher and she in turn tells the principal. Eventually the bullies are confronted by the principal and teacher and told they can not treat Ray or anyone like that.

Target Audience:

The message in this book is one that can be beneficial at any age. The illustrations and story are simplistic, however the message is not. I would recommend this book for grades 1-4. The author also has a page at the end of the story about bully prevention. 


I find that most books written about bullying are to help your student or child grow as an individual. They typically have a message or lesson to be taught through examples. Not all children will be bullied but most may witness a bullying situation in their lives. Stories like this give them options and thoughts on how to handle those situations.

Reader Response Activity:

A great place to start would be to brainstorm before reading the story. You could make a list of things that would be unkind to do or say to another person. After you make that list then brainstorm again for things you could do to help in those situations. Once you have your two lists, then read the story and discuss afterward. See if the students were able to come up with situations or solutions similar to those in the book.

Loser List

Author: H.N. Kowitt Publisher: Scholastic Press Date of Publication: 2011 Illustrator: H.N. Kowitt  http://k...